The purpose of the LD-SAFE
The purpose of the LD-SAFE project is to demonstrate that both the in-air and underwater laser cutting technologies are effectively operational for the dismantling of the most challenging components of power nuclear reactors (RPV and RVI) and that, for this application, the laser cutting technique:
- Is as safe as the best cutting techniques currently used, even safer for the workers and environment.
- Does not add any new constraints.
- Is more cost effective to dismantle the challenging power reactor components.
- Is simpler to implement on site and better suited to the complex dismantling of components such as reactor internals.
The ambitions of the LD-SAFE project are to remove the last technical, safety and economic barriers that prevent the replacement of conventional cutting techniques for the dismantling of power nuclear reactor by the laser cutting technology. At the end of LD-SAFE, the suitability of the laser cutting technology to address the challenges of the dismantling power nuclear reactor and its capability to improve these projects in respect of safety, radioactive waste, time and cost will be confirmed on the basis of the demonstrators proposed by the project.